10 Best Daaru in India: A Guide to the Top Desi Drinks 🍻

If you’re looking for the best daaru in India, you might be overwhelmed by the variety and diversity of the desi drinks available. From the Himalayan chhaang to the Goan feni, from the royal kesar kasturi to the tribal handia, India has a rich and colorful history of alcoholic beverages that reflect its culture, geography, and traditions.

best daaru in India

In this blog post, we’ll take you on a tour of the best daaru in India, and introduce you to some of the most popular and unique desi drinks that you can try on your next trip or party. Whether you’re a fan of beer, wine, whiskey, or brandy, there’s a desi drink for everyone. So grab a glass and get ready to explore the best daaru in India.πŸ₯‚

What is Daaru?

Daaru is a Hindi word that means alcohol or liquor. It is also used as a slang term for any alcoholic drink, especially the local or homemade ones. Daaru is often associated with fun, celebration, and relaxation, but also with social problems like addiction, violence, and poverty. Daaru is a part of Indian culture and cuisine, and has been consumed for centuries by people from different regions, religions, and backgrounds.πŸ‘₯

There are many types of daaru in India, ranging from mild to strong, from sweet to bitter, from clear to cloudy. Some are made from grains like rice, wheat, or millet, while others are made from fruits like grapes, apples, or cashews. Some are fermented, while others are distilled. Some are flavored with spices, herbs, or honey, while others are plain. Some are served hot, while others are served cold. Some are enjoyed neat, while others are mixed with water, soda, or juice.🍹

How to Drink Daaru?

There is no one right way to drink daaru in India. Different daaru have different tastes, effects, and traditions. Some daaru are meant to be sipped slowly and savored, while others are meant to be gulped down and felt. Some daaru are best paired with food, while others are best enjoyed alone. Some daaru are suitable for any occasion, while others are reserved for special events or ceremonies.πŸŽ‰

However, there are some general tips that can help you drink daaru in India safely and responsibly:

  • Know your limit and drink moderately. Daaru can be very potent and intoxicating, especially if you’re not used to it or if you mix different types of daaru.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Daaru can dehydrate you and cause headaches, nausea , or hangovers . Water can help flush out the toxins and prevent dehydration .
  • Eat something before or while drinking daaru . Daaru can irritate your stomach and affect your blood sugar levels . Eating something can help absorb the alcohol and prevent stomach upset .
  • Avoid drinking daaru on an empty stomach , in the sun , or when you’re sick . These factors can increase the risk of dehydration , heat stroke , or infection .
  • Respect the local customs and laws regarding daaru . Daaru is not allowed in some places , such as temples , mosques , or public places . Daaru is also banned in some states , such as Gujarat , Bihar , Nagaland , Mizoram , or Lakshadweep . Be aware of the rules and regulations before drinking daaru in India .
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Best Daaru in India: Top 10 Desi Drinks

Now that you know what daaru is and how to drink it , let’s take a look at some of the best daaru in India that you can try . Here are our top 10 picks for the best desi drinks in India :

1 . Chhaang : The Hot Beer of the Himalayas πŸ—»

Chhaang is a traditional drink of the Himalayan region , especially popular among the people of Ladakh , Sikkim , Nepal , Tibet , and Bhutan . It is made by fermenting millet or barley in a wooden barrel with yeast and water . It has a sour , tangy , and slightly sweet taste , and a low alcohol content of about 3-5% . Chhaang is usually served hot in wooden cups or bamboo mugs , and is often mixed with butter tea or salted water . Chhaang is a perfect drink for the cold weather , as it warms up the body and helps cope with the high altitude . Chhaang is also considered a sacred drink , as it is offered to gods and ancestors during festivals and rituals .πŸ™

2 . Feni : The Cashew Spirit of Goa 🌴

Feni is a famous drink of Goa , the party capital of India . It is made by distilling the juice of cashew apples , the fruit that grows along with the cashew nuts . Feni has a strong , pungent , and fruity aroma , and a high alcohol content of about 40-45% . Feni is usually served neat or on the rocks , but can also be mixed with lemon juice , cola , or soda . Feni is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed at any time of the day or night , and can complement any Goan dish , from fish curry to pork vindaloo . Feni is also a cultural symbol of Goa , as it represents its history , heritage , and identity .🌺

3 . Kesar Kasturi : The Royal Drink of Rajasthan πŸͺ

Kesar Kasturi is a luxurious drink of Rajasthan , the land of kings and palaces . It is made by blending 21 spices and herbs with saffron , the most expensive spice in the world . Kesar Kasturi has a rich , golden , and aromatic taste , and a moderate alcohol content of about 20-25% . Kesar Kasturi is usually served in silver or glass cups , and is often garnished with dry fruits or rose petals . Kesar Kasturi is a royal drink that can make you feel like a maharaja or a maharani , and can enhance any Rajasthani delicacy , from dal bati churma to laal maas . Kesar Kasturi is also a medicinal drink , as it has many health benefits , such as improving digestion , blood circulation , and immunity .πŸ‘‘

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4 . Handia : The Tribal Beer of Eastern India 🌾

Handia is a traditional drink of the tribal people of Eastern India , especially in Bihar , Jharkhand , Odisha , and Madhya Pradesh . It is made by fermenting rice with ranu tablets , which are a mixture of 20-25 herbs and barks . Handia has a light , yellow , and honey-like taste , and a low alcohol content of about 5-8% . Handia is usually served in earthen pots or bamboo tubes , and is often flavored with lemon or ginger . Handia is a social drink that can bring people together , and can accompany any tribal cuisine , from sattu to mahua . Handia is also a sacred drink , as it is offered to gods and goddesses during festivals and ceremonies .πŸ™

5 . Amrut Fusion : The Single Malt Whiskey of Bangalore πŸ₯ƒ

Amrut Fusion is a premium drink of Bangalore , the IT hub of India . It is made by blending malted barley from India and Scotland , and aging it in oak barrels for at least four years . Amrut Fusion has a smooth , complex , and smoky taste , and a high alcohol content of about 50% . Amrut Fusion is usually served neat or with water or ice, and is often paired with cheese or chocolate. Amrut Fusion is an international drink that can impress anyone, and can match any global cuisine, from sushi to steak. Amrut Fusion is also an award-winning drink, as it has been rated as one of the world’s best whiskies by experts and critics.πŸ†

6. Zutho: The Rice Wine of Nagaland 🍚

Zutho is a traditional drink of Nagaland, the land of warriors and festivals. It is made by fermenting rice with yeast and water in bamboo containers. Zutho has a whitish, porridge-like, and sour taste, and a low alcohol content of about 5-10%. Zutho is usually served in bamboo cups or horns, and is often mixed with sugar or honey. Zutho is a festive drink that can add joy to any occasion, and can go well with any Naga dish, from pork to bamboo shoot. Zutho is also a cultural drink, as it represents the hospitality and diversity of the Naga tribes.πŸ‘‹

7. Kyat: The Party Drink of Meghalaya 🎊

Kyat is a popular drink of Meghalaya, the abode of clouds and waterfalls. It is made by fermenting rice with yeast and water in earthen pots. Kyat has a sweet, fruity, and refreshing taste, and a low alcohol content of about 5-15%. Kyat is usually served in bamboo or glass cups, and is often flavored with ginger or lemon. Kyat is a party drink that can liven up any mood, and can suit any Meghalayan cuisine, from jadoh to dohneiiong. Kyat is also a historical drink, as it was used as a medium of exchange and trade by the Khasi people.πŸ’°

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8. Judima: The Honey Wine of Assam 🐝

Judima is a special drink of Assam, the land of tea and rhinos. It is made by fermenting rice with yeast and water in brass vessels. Judima has a light, yellow, and honey-like taste, and a moderate alcohol content of about 15-20%. Judima is usually served in brass or glass cups, and is often garnished with flowers or leaves. Judima is a ceremonial drink that can mark any auspicious event, and can complement any Assamese cuisine, from khar to tenga. Judima is also a sacred drink, as it is given to newborns and offered to deities by the Dimasa tribe.πŸ™

9. Solan No. 1: The Malt Whiskey of Himachal Pradesh 🌲

Solan No. 1 is a classic drink of Himachal Pradesh, the land of snow and apples. It is made by distilling malted barley and aging it in oak barrels for at least three years. Solan No. 1 has a smooth, mellow, and woody taste, and a high alcohol content of about 42.8%. Solan No. 1 is usually served neat or with water or ice, and is often enjoyed with snacks or nuts. Solan No. 1 is a relaxing drink that can soothe any stress, and can accompany any Himachali cuisine, from siddu to madra. Solan No. 1 is also a legendary drink, as it was named after the first brewery in India that was established in Solan in 1855.🍻

10. DesmondJi: The Agave Spirit of Andhra Pradesh 🌡

DesmondJi is a modern drink of Andhra Pradesh, the land of spices and pearls. It is made by distilling the juice of agave plants, which are native to Mexico but grow abundantly in Andhra Pradesh. DesmondJi has a clear, crisp, and herbal taste, and a high alcohol content of about 51%. DesmondJi is usually served chilled or on the rocks, but can also be mixed with margarita or mojito. DesmondJi is an innovative drink that can surprise anyone, and can blend with any Andhra cuisine, from biryani to pickles. DesmondJi is also an entrepreneurial drink, as it was created by an Indian engineer who returned from the US and started his own brand of agave spirits in India.πŸ‘

So these are some of the best daaru in India that you can try on your next trip or party. We hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about the desi drinks of India. If you did, please share this post with your friends and family who might also be interested in the best daaru in India. And don’t forget to leave a comment below and let us know which daaru you liked the most or if you have any other suggestions that we missed. Thanks for reading and cheers!πŸ₯‚

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